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France-Uzbekistan Business Council talks support to Uzbekistan’s economy

The France-Uzbekistan Business Council continues to support Uzbek Government’s call to modernization and innovation in the economic field, Chief Operating Officer of the Movement of the Enterprises of France (MEDEF International) Bogdan Gadenne-Feertchak told Trend.

“The France-Uzbekistan Business Council with its Uzbek partners will continue supporting French companies willing to develop in Uzbekistan in 2023. They are growing in numbers, active in more diversified sectors and share the will to answer Uzbek Government’s call to modernization and innovation in the economic field,” Gadenne-Feertchak said.

According to him, France-Uzbekistan Business Council has maintained a high level of activity in 2022.

“The France-Uzbekistan Business Council’s new president, Claude Imauven, led an important business mission to Tashkent in July, a few days before the completion of the negotiations of the Enhanced Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between Uzbekistan and the EU. Several follow-up sessions focused were organized over the last weeks in Paris, e.g on Urban issues with the participation of the Vice-Minister of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction of Uzbekistan Ilkhom Norkulov, on energy and infrastructures project with the First Vice-Minister of Investment and Trade Laziz Kudratov, and another one on agriculture & agrofood businesses,” Gadenne-Feertchak said.

Chief Operating Officer further noted that on November 18-21, France-Uzbekistan Business Council welcomed an Uzbek official delegation expected in France on the occasion of the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev’s visit.

“MEDEF International has hosted a large economic session on November 18, with the participation of Vice-Prime Minister of Uzbekistan Jamshid Khodjayev and his delegation,” he said.

According to him, decarbonization and energies, urban services’ and infrastructures’ modernization, agriculture and agro-food industries, tourism and privatizations remain some of the top-priorities of the business council.

“Our members also pay great attention to the will of Uzbek Government to further develop its local industry, to broadly implement new technologies and innovation and to reinforce country’s sovereignty and economic sustainability. As a part of our activities related to decarbonization and energies, the Hydrogen Task Force initiated formed by MEDEF International and France Hydrogène will sign a Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation with the Ministry of Innovation Development of Uzbekistan on November 18th on the sidelines of Mr. Mirziyoyev’s presidential visit to France,” Gadenne-Feertchak said.

Source: Azer News.Az