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Sadyr Japarov Congratulates People of Kyrgyzstan on Day of Ak Kalpak

AKIPRESS.COM – President Sadyr Japarov congratulated the people of Kyrgyzstan on the Day of Ak Kalpak (traditional Kyrgyz headwear for men) and National Clothes today, March 5.

“Intangible cultural values inherited from our ancestors are the most important components of the national culture as a whole, the basis of national identity, which strengthen the spiritual connection of generations and eras, and play a key role in shaping the cultural policy of our country,” the President noted in his statement.

Holding such events contributes to the development of interest in the culture and traditions of the Kyrgyz people, as well as forms a sense of pride in the native land and respect for the work of craftsmen, Japarov emphasized.

The President also expressed gratitude to artisans who are the bearers of the intangible cultural heritage.

“Dear citizens of Kyrgyzstan, Happy Day of Ak Kalpak! I wish you good health, peace, kindness and prosperity, and well-being to our state,” Japarov concluded.

Source: Aki Press

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