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Four People Including Woman Publicly Flogged by Taliban in Afghanistan’s Kabul

Four people including a woman were publicly flogged by the draconian Taliban regime in Afghanistan’s Kargha area Wednesday. They were convicted of immorality.

Four people including a woman were publicly flogged by the draconian Taliban regime in Afghanistan. According to Pakistan’s news outlet Khamaa Press, the flogged individuals were accused of committing “immorality” in the Paghman district of Kabul. As per the reports, the people were arrested from the Kargha area of Kabul. After the convicts were flogged, the Talibani Supreme Court sentenced the convicts to three months of imprisonment. 

After the Supreme Court’s decisions, the Taliban officials publicly lashed criminals in the Paghman district court, Khamaa Press reported. The country’s government officials were also present when the heinous incident took place. After the Taliban’s takeover in August 2021, several reports of public flogging emerged from Afghanistan. In December last year, over 30 people were publicly flogged by the Taliban in the Kapisa and Jowzjan provinces of Afghanistan. The situation is even more deplorable when it comes to the situation of the women in the country.

Each convict received 20 leashes

According to the Khamaa Press, each convict involved in the Wednesday incident received 20 lashes along with one-month imprisonment. After assuming power, the regime resumed the practice of physical punishment, a method that abandoned over the past 20 years in Afghanistan. In the midst of all the chaos, Human Rights advocacy groups have repeatedly stated that the convicts usually do not have access to a “legal and standardised judicial system” in the conflict-stricken country. Hence, the lack of a fair judgement process emerged as one of the major challenges the county is facing in recent times. 

The draconian administration has been heavily condemned around the world for its human rights abuse. From gyms to beauty saloons, and schools to work in NGOs, the Taliban administration has restricted women having rights in different walks of life. The critical situation in the country has long remained neglected since the commencement of the raging Russia-Ukriane war along with other mainstream global issues. Hence, the plight of the people of  Afghanistan has remained somewhat neglected in the hustle and bustle of the modern world.


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