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Turkmenistan and Japan Consider Expanding Bilateral Relations

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan Rashid Meredov held a meeting with the delegation led by Parliamentary vice-minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan Yuumi Yoshikawa on July 11.

The sides discussed priority directions of Turkmen-Japanese partnership in political-diplomatic, trade-economic and cultural-humanitarian spheres, the Foreign Ministry of Turkmenistan reported.

Meredov underlined that Turkmenistan attaches special importance to further development of cooperation between the two states. It was noted that special role in expanding and strengthening of bilateral relations is given to the development of contacts on highest level.

Great importance of parliamentary diplomacy was confirmed, which is proved by regular character of Turkmen-Japanese parliamentary exchanges. The importance of the visit of Chairman of People’s Assembly of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to Japan last September noted.

The parties highlighted effective cooperation of Turkmenistan and Japan in framework of authoritative international structures, primarily the UN. Diplomats also noted that the commitment of the sides to further deepening of partnership and mutually beneficial cooperation facilitates fruitful interaction in the frame of the Dialogue “Central Asia-Japan”.

Talking about the development of economic partnership, the Turkmen side confirmed that cooperation with Japan carry long-term character. The activities of Turkmen-Japanese and Japanese-Turkmen Committees for Economic Cooperation have great importance.

The interlocutors highlighted active cooperation in cultural-humanitarian sphere, perspectives in the field of education, science, health protection, sport and tourism. Interaction in the sphere of studying Japanese language in the higher educational institution and schools of Turkmenistan was noted as well.