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Kazakhstan, EU Show Robust Political Commitment to Enhance Cooperation

Amid unprecedented geopolitical tensions, Kazakhstan and the European Union (EU) show solid political will to intensify their cooperation, Kazakh Deputy Foreign Minister Roman Vassilenko said at the 38th meeting of the Berlin Eurasian Club (BEC) on Oct. 19 in Brussels, reported the ministry’s press service.

Vassilenko assured the EU business community they could count on full political support from both sides to deliver their projects, particularly in green energy, rare earth metals, and transport and logistics connections.

The Kazakh speaker highlighted the current positive dynamics in trade, economy, and investment collaboration, clearly seen in an approximately 39% increase in trade turnover between Kazakhstan and the EU to over $40 billion last year, along with the EU’s investment totaling $12.5 billion.

Joaquim Nunes de Almeida, Director for Energy Intensive Industries, Raw Materials, Hydrogen at DG GROW, emphasized the diversification of mutual supplies and the development of strategic partnerships with Kazakhstan as a vital pillar of the EU strategy for critical raw materials.

The event brought together over 60 participants to focus on the EU-Kazakhstan Enhanced Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (EPCA), which covers 29 priority sectors of cooperation and provides a solid legislative foundation for improving business conditions.

EPCA stipulates discussions on the potential negotiation of a visa facilitation agreement. Participants said the formal consultations initiated this year between the EU and Kazakhstan should lead to tangible results in the short term.

Established in 2012, BEC serves as an informal dialogue platform for prominent politicians, international experts, and representatives of scientific and business circles of Kazakhstan, Germany, and other European countries.

Source : Astanatimes

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