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VAT Receipts on Goods and Services in Kyrgyzstan Grow by 39% in 2022

AKIPRESS.COM – VAT receipts on goods and services produced in Kyrgyzstan amounted to 21 billion 275.3 million soms in 2022, while the forecast was 20 billion 580.4 million soms. This is stated in the analytical review of the State Tax Service on the execution of the revenue part of the state budget for January-December 2022.

The forecast was fulfilled by 103.4%, or overfulfilled by 694.9 million soms.

Receipts increased by 5 billion 920.5 million soms compared to last year. The growth rate was 138.6%.

The State Tax Service collected taxes and payments of 156 billion 339.4 million soms, with a forecast of 155 billion 609 million soms.

Fulfillment was 100.5% or overfulfilled by 730.5 million soms.

Tax revenues and payments increased by 50 billion 625.4 million soms. The growth rate was 147.9%.

Source: Aki Press