UAE enters new economic era, officially joins Brics alliance alongside four other nations

The UAE officially joined the Brics alliance on January 1, along with Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iran, and Ethiopia, doubling the alliance and creating an economic force with a combined GDP…

Why Normalizing Venezuela’s Maduro Is Dangerous | Opinion

In March 2022, María Corina Machado, Venezuela’s leading opposition figure, vehemently urged the U.S. not to ease economic sanctions on Venezuela. Three U.S. officials had mysteriously visited Caracas, and talks leading to sanctions…

President Wickremesinghe Delivers IMF Deal for Sri Lanka

Copenhagen (13/11 – 37.5) When Ranil Wickremesinghe took over as Sri Lanka’s president in July after a popular uprising ousted his predecessor, the South Asian island nation was engulfed in…

Attacks can be not only military in nature. Tokayev appealed to the armed forces

Supreme Commander-in-Chief Kassym-Jomart Tokayev addressed the military personnel. The head of state highly appreciated the level of preparedness of the units involved. The President noted the importance of conducting such…

President of Kazakhstan to Pay State Visit to China Next Week

President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev will pay a state visit to China on May 17-19, reported the Akorda press service on May 8.  The President is expected to meet President…

Kazakhstan Promotes Idea of Tolerance at Abu Dhabi Forum

Peaceful coexistence is the only option in an era of globalization and intermingling religions and cultures, said Kazakh Minister of Information and Social Development, Darkhan Kydyrali, at the forum World…